Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Hahahaha- I'm such a weirdo.

Yesterday I was in the worst mood EVER! All day.  Today- best mood EVER! All day!  Who knew??

Just wanted to write a quickie to say Happy Sabbath and Happy Easter to all of my blog friends.  What a beautiful day it is here in Southern CA.  A little cold, but warm in my heart to know that so many people are happy and celebrating this glorious day.  I am forever thankful to my Savior Jesus Christ for everything he has done for me and continues to do for me.  He is Risen my friends!

(And thank you all for reminding me to allow myself to be in a bad mood sometimes yesterday.  That is why I love you and I can't stop blogging....because you always know just what to say to calm me down. XO!)




  1. So glad your mood improved so much today! Seriously, it's kind of hard to be in a bad mood on the day our wonderful Savior was resurrected! Too much to be thankful for today!

  2. Yay for the good mood. Easter always reminds me that we can always start again...New hope for the future!

  3. :D Glad you're feeling better. :D

    And, thanks for stopping by my blog. Haha. I can't help but think what a different view we each have when we look out of our windows! haha.

    Never fear, Spring is coming to PA, too. Eventually. On a very slow boat. chuckle.

